
أرخص ومستدام.

  • Over 30% savings on transport. & logistic costs
  • 15% reduction in feed waste
  • Low power & water consumption

موثوقية التوريد

  • Daily predictably supply
  • Reduced inventory & logistic requirements
  • At least 80% less exposure to feed market volatility

عالية الجودة

  • Up to 20% higher milk productivity
  • 100% natural, fresh & Pesticide-free
  • More nutritious and digest compared to dry hay

Superior feed, better complement

The reaction.

Our nutrient-dense ingredient dramatically improves the digestibility and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the feed ration.

What reaction occurs in the animal’s body when eating our feed?

Less energy is required during digestion, which allows the animal to focus its
resources into health, fertility, milk productivity and other performance outcomes.

How does it work?

The particularity of our fresh feed allows its complex starches to be converted into easily digestible sugars and starches, increasing the forage digestibility.
The hydrolytic enzymes that are naturally available in sprouts dramatically improves the digestibility and absorption of nutrients like vitamins and minerals from the ration, as well as the overall diet.

What is the outcome?

We help cows increase fiber digestion by 10% from typical performance levels,
resulting in less waste, as every ration is utilized more efficiently. It’s not
just better nutrition, it’s also devoid of anti-nutritional factors like tannins and
pentosans, which can be a barrier to optimal health.